Come and join the Vista Tribe
If you would like to get involved and support the work we do – we’d love to hear from you. We offer a range of volunteering and intern opportunities.
This option is for anyone who would like to volunteer as a trainee instructor or assistant activity leader with our Tribe of wonderful clients.
Depending on funding and course availability we can offer several pathways and qualifications e.g.
- Level 1 Activity Assistant
- Level 2 Instructor leading to L3 Exercise Referral Instructor
- Level 2 Activity Leader
- Level 4 Cardiac Rehabilitation Instructor
- Level 4 Postural Stability Instructor
We will ask you to commit some time to volunteering in return for supporting you in achieving your qualification. It is our intention to develop classes so that we can offer all Vista Instructors paid work. But we don’t place any limitations on how you use the qualifications we provide.
This option is for those who want to give a few hours of their time to support our activities on the admin and general help side of things.
We are always keen to hear from people who would like to help with tasks such as
- Social media
- Photography and Video
- General Admin support at our classes
- Social support – making teas and coffees
- Fundraising
We aim to provide development opportunities for all our volunteers including events such as First Aid Training.
Our commitment to inclusivity

We positively welcome volunteers and interns from all sections of society. Vista Wellbeing strives to ensure that our services (inlcuding volunteering, training and intern opportunities) are accessible to people of all ages and those with disabilities, as we will always do our very best to help everyone reach their full potential in a supportive environment. One of our most recent volunteers to qualify as an Activity Assistant is over 80- years of age proving that age is no barrier to personal development.
Volunteer Board Members
We are always keen to hear from people interested in joining our Board. Having a diverse Board helps ensure that Vista Wellbeing represents the local community; it strenghtens our governance and holds us accountable to our stakeholders. Ask for our person specification if you would like more details.
We offer support and training for all volunteeers and interns — why not get in touch and find out more!